Truckie Yowie Sighting Burra Range QLD

Truckie Yowie Sighting Burra Range QLD

Burra Range Yowie Sighting Dec 28 2022

By Jordan Peters: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Event: Yowie Sighting Date: 28-10-2022 Time: 1am

Truckie Steve Webb has seen a lot on Australian roads in his 30 years as a truckie but what he encountered on the Flinders Highway on December 28 left him “bloody speechless and dumfounded”.

Steve was driving his rig over the Burra Range as he has done many times and decided to make a quick stop to check his rig. Steve tells us it was about 1am when he pulled over and he jumped out of his rig with his torch and walks around checking the tyres. He gets to the back of the rig and hears the bushes moving behind him like something is moving through them. Turning to see what it was and expecting to see a kangaroo he shines his torch into the bush. He cant see anything until he hears a “fair commotion in the bushes” by the roadside and when he shines the torch in that direction he almost drops the torch when he sees a massive hairy creature run on all fours across the road into the bush on the other side and out of sight.

We asked Steve if he could sketch what it was he saw and he kindly provided the sketch above.

The Burra range is located in QLD and is situated about 3 hours drive west from Townsville on the Flinders Highway. The location of the sighting is about 15-20 mins east from the hamlet of Torrens Creek.

The full encounter description will be posted to the blog shortly.

If you have a Yowie sighting story to tell us please drop us a line at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (Privacy always respected)

Torrens Creek QLD

Burra Range yowie sighting

Burra Range location


Yowie Researcher

Great to see you folk are still reporting Yowie encounters. I've been a fan of your work for years.
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