Is This The Face Of The Munna Creek Monster Yowie?
Could this be the face of the Munna Creek Monster as reported near Teebar on the Fraser Coast of QLD in April 2022 by a motorist traveling to Biggenden from Maryborough?
Where is Munna Creek
The remote Munna Creek locality is split between the Gympie and Fraser Coast Regions in Queensland. The area is sparsely populated but has several regional roads, Bauple Woolooga Rd, Maryborough Biggenden rd and Brooweena Woolooga rd, connecting the coastal strip to Biggenden and Kilkivan townships. The total population of Munna Creek is 23 according to the 2016 Census. Munna Creek itself meanders its way through several national parks starting its journey in the mountains of Mt Walsh National Park and Boompa State Forest, then passing through sections of Glenbar State Forest and National Park and continuing through sections of the Miva State Forest before reaching the Mary River.
Latest Yowie Sighting
Late in the evening of April 5 of this year (2022), Paula Hazel was driving from Maryborough QLD inland towards Biggenden to meet up with some friends. As Paula reached the Teebar area she noticed her car had a problem and stopped on the side of the road. She had a life-changing encounter. This is Paula's account of what happened that night.
I had decided to drive to Biggenden from Maryborough to see some family and had left later than I expected which meant I would be driving in the dark. I finally left Maryborough at about 7:30 pm and headed off through Maryborough West along the Maryborough Biggenden rd. The road is a rural road and is generally quiet with little traffic at this time of night and I've driven this road many times over the years without incident.
About 40 minutes into my trip I glanced down at my dash and could see the temperature gauge was really high and almost in the red. I had driven about a kilometre or so past the Munna Creek Bridge and got out, torch in hand, to look under the bonnet. To my relief, there was no sign of any steam but I thought there must be a problem with the radiator so I grabbed a towel out of the boot and proceeded to check the radiator for water. As I thought, the water had leaked out and a gush of steam exited as I removed the radiator cap. I had some water with me but I decided to let the car cool down for a bit before filling it back up and went round to the back of the car to tidy some things up in the boot. It was strangely quiet and I couldn't hear cows or frogs, it was just still but I remember thinking how peaceful it was.
Teebar location Australia.
I potted around for about 20 minutes or so and decided to empty the water containers into the radiator and see if I could get going again. I'd only finished emptying the last water bottle when I heard a loud movement along with a deep and brief huff sound in the bush behind me in front of my vehicle. It took me by surprise because up until that point it had been extremely quiet and I had been making all the noise. I turned to look expecting to see a bull as there were cattle pastures all around. I couldn't make out anything and I grabbed the torch and shone it up along the road to where the noise was coming from. As I panned the torchlight back into the bush I got the shock of my life and became instantly scared witless. I was so scared at what I was seeing I began to shake and dropped my torch in the ensuing panic I felt. My torch was illuminating a hugely tall, dark and hairy monster of a creature and I couldn't believe the thickness of this thing, just massive. Standing on two legs like a human, Its hair looked dark and had a reddish brown tint, its face was also dark but more greyish and looked leathery. Its eye sockets were huge and I thought I could see a sought of opaque reddy coloured glow from the darkness of its eyes. Its face really freaked me out. I grabbed the torch off the ground and aimed it straight back at the bush and then I almost screamed as I saw its eyes blink in the torchlight. It just stood still looking straight at me with its long arms hanging motionless by its side and I was frozen unable to move. My mind was racing and my heart thumping so hard trying to comprehend what I was seeing and I was feeling a sense of dread but I managed to move backwards towards the car door and in an instant, I was in the seat and started the car which was such a great relief, I dropped my torch again and I flattened the accelerator and sped off the gravel onto the road. My last sight of the creature was in the periphery of my car lights watching me as I sped away. I drove furiously along the road for some time before I got a grip of myself and settled down and finally made it into Biggenden. Ive never been so scared and shocked.
Witness sketch of the Yowie seen near Munna Creek QLD.
We thank Paula for giving us her account and providing a sketch of what she witnessed. The report has been of great interest to us as there have been Yowie sightings all through this region in past and present times. We continue to monitor several locations and to date we've found several sets of possible footprints which would indicate the presence of several Yowies.
One trackway of footprints found in the Munna Creek area by the Yowiesightings team measured approximately 17inches (43cm) per print and several smaller size prints have also been located.
If you have had a Yowie encounter, seen or heard something please get in touch and tell us your story. Send us an email to: