Terror in Teebar - Yowie encounter Teebar QLD.
In the evening of July 2014 Romney and his girlfriend Katrina had stopped their campervan and set up camp for the night by the roadside in the Teebar region of Wide Bay Queensland. As they lay in their bed, their night was disrupted by what they believe was a Yowie outside their van causing them to flee in fright.
Here is what Romney had to say.
My girlfriend, Katrina, and I had left Brisbane in our camper van and travelled north along the Bruce Highway. We had just passed through Gympie and decided to turn onto the Wide Bay highway and hoping to make it to the town of Gayndah by nightfall where some of Katrina’s family lived.
I wasn’t familiar at all with this area and Katrina suggested we turn off at Woolooga and head for the town of Biggenden to save a little time. We had been travelling along the Broweena Woolooga rd and I was getting really tired so we decided to pull over while we still had some light, make some dinner, and head off again early in the morning. We parked on the side of the road near a waterhole with light bush and plenty of open pastures around us which was an unfenced grazing area for cattle.
Yowie encounter location - Romney and Katrina were parked near the tree.
The sun was beginning to set and while we still had enough light we decided to have a walk around the area in the beautiful evening light. We had been walking around the far end of the waterhole when we became aware of what we thought was a long howling noise off in the distance. I said to Katrina “hear that” and she said “yeah sounds like a big cow We couldn’t see any cows where we pulled up but there were plenty of cow pats lying around indicating they were around. We kept on walking a little farther from the dam and we heard some more howling off in the distance. ”. I was struck at how full the sound was even though it seemed a fair distance away.
The dam where Romney and Katrina began hearing distant howling.
The strange thing was the howling would last many seconds and I remember commenting to Katrina that the cow must have a big set of lungs to howl for that long. The howls went on for another 10 or so minutes and with the light failing we decided to get back to the camper and make some dinner.
We opted to cook on our portable BBQ and sit out under the stars and enjoy dinner. It was a gorgeous night and when we had finished dinner we turned off our light to take in the brilliant starry sky above. It was so quiet and peaceful but this all changed once we turned in for the night.
It was about 2 am I woke as Katrina was nudging me to wake up. She said she could hear someone talking nearby and to listen. At first, I didn’t hear a thing and just as I relaxed back into my pillow I could hear talking but I couldn’t quite make out what was being said. I became a little alarmed at this as we were a very long way from any farms on a remote road and I asked myself who would be out here at this time of night. The chatter stopped and 5 or 10 minutes passed by and we both began to relax a little. I had dozed off and woke suddenly when the van shook as if a car had bumped into it. Katrina rolled over and grabbed my arm tightly. What was that she asked and just as I began to whisper to stay quiet we heard our camp table and BBQ crashing on the ground and at this stage, we began hearing strange vocalizations. The vocalizations scared the crap out of us. The vocalizations would start with a strange monkey-like sound but end with grunting that sounded like a human. Next, we heard the very loud crashing noise and our esky being smashed. It was an incredible noise and thuds combined with more frantic vocalizations. At this point, Katrina rolled over to hug me and a bag she had left on the end of the bed fell onto the floor. The ruckus and grunting outside stopped suddenly and when this happened and my heart was thumping with fear. I began to sweat profusely and I could hear Katrina breathing swiftly. We were so fearful of what was outside and I thought I had left the doors unlocked and we were going to be attacked. I whispered quietly that the doors were unlocked but fortunately, Katrina said she locked them. We lay in our van holding each other and racked with fear and we began to hear footsteps around the van. They were heavy steps and would stop and all would be quiet. We heard some more steps and this time they were around the back of the van where we were lying. We had the blind down on the back window but I got a sense of something close to the window and it totally blocked the dim night. I was frantic at this stage and my mind was racing thinking where I left the keys and could I get to the front of the van and start the engine without being attacked. It was at this stage we could here a vehicle of in the distance. Whatever was outside began to move away and the big footsteps or stomps gradually disappeared. We could hear the vehicle approaching our location and I jumped up and moved swiftly to the driver's seat where I found my keys and cranked over the engine, hit the lights, and spun around onto the road to follow the passing vehicle. Katrina was beside me now and we both caught a glimpse of the destruction to our gear where we had been pulled over. We drove without a word until we finally arrived at Biggenden and pulled into the well lit and deserted main street and decided to wait till daybreak before travelling to Gayndah. We were stunned at what had just occurred and had no idea what could have scared us and it wasn’t until we shared the story a few times that someone suggested a Yowie. I was gobsmacked as I had no idea anything like this existed.
Big thank you to John at Yowie Sightings for providing us with some other information on similar enconters in the same region.
The experience haunts both of us to this day.
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