Yowie News - Munna Creek Monster Sighting

Yowie News - Munna Creek Monster Sighting

Munna Creek Monster spotted in Teebar area QLD

Event: Yowie Sighting Date: 5-4-2022 Time: 8:20pm

On April 5 2022 a driver stops to check her overheating car on a nighttime drive to Biggenden from Maryborough and encounters a large dark-haired Yowie watching her from the bushes.

Witness says “ I was so scared at what I was seeing I began to shake and dropped my torch in the ensuing panic I felt” and  “I grabbed the torch off the ground and aimed it straight back at the bush and then I almost screamed as I saw its eyes blink in the torchlight”.   

Read the full report on the Yowie Stories HERE

The Yowie Munna Monster

Sketch by witness Paula Hazel

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