Byron Bay 1867
Byron Bay New South Wales 1867 Yowie Sighting.
The Byron shire has had its fair share of Yowie sightings dating back to the 1800s.
Our earliest European records show an 1867 sighting by a group of men on horseback. Henry Kaye wrote they saw “a great hairy creature, deep ochre in colour” moving along the Belongil beach “in the strangest of manner”. The witness goes on to say that “its legs moved strangely as it ran, its upper body remaining steady whilst swinging its long arms in large arcs” and “it navigated the beach to the bush beyond at such speed as to leave our party dumbfounded”. Kaye reports the party gave chase after observing the creature vanished into the scrub but lost the footprints past the sand. Kaye reported that “the creature appeared to be of giant proportions” and “its footprint several times larger than our largest member”.
In recent years sightings of the hairy creatures have been reported throughout the district's more remote areas of Upper Main arm, Mt Jerusalem, Upper Wilson Creek and Huonbrook. In 2019 two bushwalkers were confronted by a black-haired giant on Hughes Trail in the Mt Jerusalem area. The bushwalkers reported the creature came out of nowhere to be standing directly in front of them. They report standing motionless staring at the creature which was staring at them. They said it appeared to be taking in huge breaths as if it was about to race towards them and then turned and crashed deep into the bush before they lost sight and the sound of it.
Byron Bay Yowie Sighting Dates
Below are some of the more notable sighting dates from our database.
- 1867 - Belongil Beach
- 1899 - Belongil Creek
- 1907 - Myocum
- 1928 - Wilsons River
- 1968 - Wilsons River
- 1977 - Huonbrook
- 2019 - Mt Jerusalem
Map of Byron Bay displaying some of the Yowie sighting locations by date.
Byron Bay Today and history
Byron Bay, founded in 1860, is a coastal town in northern New South Wales. In 1896 Byron Bay was declared a town followed by the shire declaration in 1906. The area was originally established as a timber port and was the main port between Newcastle to the south and the port of Brisbane in Queensland. In modern times Byron Bay is a popular holiday destination.
If you have had a Yowie encounter or know of one you can drop us an email with a description to :