Bowhunter Survives Yowie Attack - Kilikivan Qld Yowie Sighting March 2019
Yowie/Bigfoot Sighting QLD
A bowhunter searching for wild pigs near the town of Kilkivan, QLD, is confronted by a charging Yowie. The Yowie encounter below is from Clint Maynard who provides the chilling account he had with a Yowie in a life-or-death situation Australian hunters rarely find themselves in. Here is his story as he presented it to us.
Yowie vs Bowhunter
It was early in the morning and I had been hiking through the bush since just before sunrise hunting wild pigs. It was a brisk morning but beautiful and clear and I was about an hour or so into my hunt looking for pig tracks when I caught a glimpse of several pigs way ahead of me and too far to get a shot on them. I was pretty sure they hadn’t seen or heard me, so I moved quietly about 50 or so metres closer and settled beside some low bushes and began searching the bush and clearing ahead with my binoculars looking for the pigs. I was getting a slight wafting sour smell which I assumed was animal excrement, but it didn’t quite smell right to be this, and I thought maybe there is a dead carcass nearby.
Yowie sighting near Mudlo National Park, QLD.
I made a slow pan from my left to right searching for movement and as I panned back, the bush closer to me which was out of focus looked different, something was missing. I thought I’d scanned past a tree stump and some bushes that partially blocked my view through to where I was looking for the pigs. The tree stump was missing. I focussed on the bushes and I was getting a strong sense that something was there. As I scanned back to the right of the bushes, I instantly became alarmed and a real sense of terror set in. In the dappled sunlight, I realized I was looking at a very dark, hairy head and face of an extremely large creature in a crouching position and looking directly at me. What really got me anxious was the eyes and look on its face. Its eyes looked human and its intense stare shook me. Its face looked dark and I would say leathery and it was bearing its teeth and exposing a huge mouth. I knew it wasn’t human but the intelligence in its eyes shocked me. It blended in so well with its very dark brown, almost black, shaggy hair I didn’t realize it must have been in front me the whole time I had been looking towards where I had seen the pigs. The creature was in a crouching position and its slow rocking motion from side to side looked like it was ready to jump in my direction.
I started to hear a very low-level growl which I knew was this creature even though it was about 60 or so metres away. I became so scared at this point that I dropped my binoculars and frantically loaded up my bow. I knew I couldn’t outrun this creature which looked so massive it made me feel small and I’m 6ft3. I fumbled to quickly get my bow loaded and as I looked back at the creature to take aim it released an almighty roar and launched itself forward and at speed toward me on its two thick legs, mouth wide open and looking so incredibly frightening. I could see all its shape now, its long arms tearing and grasping at the bushes and thickset body as It stampeded towards me in huge big thumping steps. As it tore through the scrub I couldn’t believe how big this creature was, bigger than any human I had ever seen.
It got to about 30 metres from me when I got a shot away in sheer terror. With minimal aim, the arrow struck the creature deep into its right shoulder and it instantly stopped, grimacing, and clutching at the arrow and releasing an extremely loud, lion-like, growling sound that drowned out any other noise in the bush. I was almost hysterical with fear and my heart was absolutely racing. I had never heard anything so loud and terrifying and so loud that I could feel it. As I began moving as quickly backward as I could. The creature had taken its attention off me and as I stumbled backwards I watched it snap the protruding arrow with its opposite hand as it kept furiously pawing at its shoulder and making deep grunting sounds. In a second it looked back at me with such a fierce look and grimace that I thought, this was it. I knew a headshot would be the only way to save me from sure death. As I struggled to load up and aim, the creature let out another incredible growl, turned and ran furiously into the trees off to my right in big thumping steps. I aimed wildly as it moved away and got off a second shot which just missed the creature as it ran past a tree. I continued backtracking, my bow at the ready, and I could hear the creature tearing through the trees until I couldn't hear it. I knew that if the creature came back I wouldn’t make it to my vehicle and I was relieved a little when I finally made it back into some open country in the small valley I used to get into the area. I eventually made it back to my vehicle, bathed in sweat and gasping for water and without any further encounter. I didn’t wait for a second, climbed into my vehicle and sped away from the area. I was still filled with so much dread as I drove back along the dirt road half expecting the creature to reappear.
Bushland near Kilkivan where the Yowie was shot.
With all the fright of the charging creature, I dropped my binoculars and left a small backpack behind. I wont ever be going back to retrieve them.
An incredible report from Clint. He explained to us that he has struggled to come to terms with the life and death situation he survived and he has suffered extreme anxiety and nightmares ever since the incident. Clint has never spoken about this incident to anyone else other than his wife who was responsible for encouraging him to speak to us. We greatly applaud his courage in both surviving the incident and in coming forward.
Incidentally, this is not the first report we have received of the charging behaviour. There have been quite a few accounts of "bluff" charging which appears to be more of a warning than an attack. In this case, Clint was adamant that if he had not shot the creature he would have been attacked. The Yowie appears to be much more emboldened when encountered by a single person and far less with two or more people. We strongly advise people looking to find these creatures to do so in small groups for safety reasons.
If you have a Yowie encounter and you would like it published on our sightings map page or on the blog, please get in touch and email John -
And remember If You See Something, Say Something,
We did ask Clint about the arrow snapping in a follow up interview after several people raised this with us and we hope to publish the full interview here at some point. Clint told us that he had been a proponent of traditional hunting methods and often went out with gear he had made himself. On this occasion Clint told us he was using arrows he had made and these were not synthetic but timber arrows. Incidently, Clint has told us he has all but given up on hunting any more after this experience and has only made brief visits to the bush in the company of his mates but wont hunt alone anymore.