Yowie Sightings website
Teebay Yowie encounter location

Terror in Teebar - Yowie encounter Teebar QLD.

In the evening of July 2014 Romney and his girlfriend Katrina  had stopped their campervan and set up camp for the night by the roadside in the Teebar region of Wide Bay Queensland. As they lay in their bed, their night was disrupted by what they believe was a Yowie outside their van causing them to flee in fright.

Teebar is a locality in the Fraser Coast Region, Queensland. In a recent census, Teebar had a population of 43 people. Yowie activivity has been reported throughout Teebar and surrounding districts for many years. Our blog has eye witness yowie sighting reports from this region.

Fraser Coast QLD map

Teebar district in Fraser Coast Region of Qld Australia.

The full report of this encounter as told by the witness can be found HERE.

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